Studio Permeke – for teachers

Permeke prof

Are you a teacher or leader who longs to be immersed in music? Do you want to develop your next craft project in an artistic and creative way? Perhaps you can’t immediately see how to enrich your lessons with a dash of art? With every series, you’ll be given tips for viewing art with children. We adopt a playful approach, using drama, music, poetry or images. Bring your own (grand)children to these sessions and experience everything together, as well as create. A great way of aligning yourself with your target group! In the workshop we discover unusual combinations of familiar and affordable materials.

You can also book ‘Permeke prof’ as teacher training sessions.

Target group: for teachers and leaders from schools, childcare, institutions or organisations and their own (grand)children

Price: teachers 55 euros, children entirely free

Number: max. 25 participants

Reservation required