Constant Permeke
Constant Permeke (1886 – 1952) was working at a turning point in society, with one foot in modernism and the other in the tradition of figures such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Goya and Van Gogh. Although often described as one of the core figures of Flemish Expressionism, he unmistakably transcends the local context. His oeuvre resonates with the avant-garde movements that emerged in various parts of Europe directly prior to, during and after the First World War.
Constant Permeke wanted his artworks to stay together after his death and for his home to become a museum. His family opened De Vier Winden [The Four Winds] to the public on 16 November 1952, barely ten months after the artist’s death. The Province of West Flanders took over the reins a few years later. In 1959-1960 they purchased the estate, including all the works of art, and in 1961 opened the museum as the Provinciaal Museum Constant Permeke (PMCP) [Constant Permeke Provincial Museum]. The artist’s wishes were definitively fulfilled. The estates of Beatty and Thérèse Permeke, his two daughters, were subsequently added to the collection.
The Permeke Museum collection comprises more than 200 artworks by Constant Permeke, eighty of which are paintings, sixty of which are sculptures and seventy of which are drawings, including his life-sized works in charcoal.
Loan procedure
The Permeke museum (Mu.ZEE) regularly lends works to museums at home and abroad for temporary exhibitions. The borrower must meet the standards set by ICOM (International Council of Museums) for museum institutions. If requested, a 'facility report' must be provided.
The loan request should contain the following information:
- Name and address of loan applicant
- Name of contact person of loan applicant
(including telephone, mobile, e-mail)
- Title of exhibition and period
- Place of the exhibition
- Name of artist
- Title of the artwork
- Description of the concept of the exhibition
- If travelling exhibition, all the above information per institution
The loan request must be submitted in writing - no later than 4 months before the start of the loan. This letter can be addressed to the director of Mu.ZEE: Ms Dominique Savelkoul. These four months are necessary to obtain a loan agreement, to prepare the loan carefully and to fit the work required for it into the other activities of the collection (conservation & management) department.
When lending complex or fragile objects, Mu.ZEE may choose to have the work accompanied by a courier and impose packaging requirements. All costs associated with a possible loan will unfortunately be charged to the borrower. In general, these are an admin cost, packaging, transport, insurance; but also any extras towards presentation, installation and supervision of the artwork. The loan conditions and an indication of the costs will be communicated in the loan agreement.
Click here for the general loan conditions
Mu.ZEE understands that a loan may be cancelled by the borrower for good reason, but reserves the right to pass on the costs already incurred to the borrower. Cancellations must be reported to Mu.ZEE in writing.
Loans manager:
@: Jan(us) Boudewijns
T: +32 (0)59 56 45 81