Privacy & cookie policy

Mu.ZEE vzw, with its registered office at 8400 Oostende, Romestraat 11, considers the protection of your privacy to be extremely important and therefore strives to handle your personal data in a legal, honest and transparent manner.

The present Privacy Statement concerns all personal data that is collected and processed by Mu.ZEE and the Permeke Museum. The latter falls under the management of Mu.ZEE. In this Privacy Statement Mu.ZEE explains what personal information is collected, what it wants to use that information for and who it passes the information on to. Mu.ZEE may modify its privacy policy at any time due, for example, to legal changes in privacy policy (external) or changes within the museum services (internal). Furthermore, this privacy policy explains what rights you have and how you can exercise them. Mu.ZEE invites you to read this privacy policy carefully.

For any questions, remarks or complaints, please email us at

To what does this privacy policy apply?

This privacy policy applies to all the services of Mu.ZEE and the Permeke Museum, hereafter referred to simply as Mu.ZEE. You should be aware that Mu.ZEE is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and sources.

‘All the services’ of Mu.ZEE and the Permeke Museum means:

the Mu.ZEE services with which you come in contact by participating in competitions, a visit to   Mu.ZEE and/or the Permeke Museum, media campaigns, public events organised by Mu.ZEE or the Permeke Museum, discount passes (the Museumpas, as of June 2018, UiTPAS, etc.), as well as administrative services (job applications, invoicing, etc.);
all the online services of Mu.ZEE and the Permeke Museum, viz. the website, apps, internet services offered by Mu.ZEE and access to content (e.g. the press site for journalists, the academic site for professionals, the site for workshops, etc.)
The personal data that Mu.ZEE collects

Whose data do we collect?

Mu.ZEE collects and processes the personal data of natural persons with whom Mu.ZEE has, has had or wishes in the future to have a direct or indirect relationship.

Data collection and processing

By ‘processing of data’ Mu.ZEE means ‘any processing of personal data’. Processing refers to collecting, saving, organising, storing, updating, changing, retrieving, consulting, using, distributing or making available in any way whatsoever, consolidating, combining, archiving, deleting or destroying. Mu.ZEE must always have the consent of the (museum) visitor, as required by the law, to process personal data. The data is kept on Mu.Zee’s secure server as well as in physical locations. Mu.ZEE has a procedure available that would be activated in the event of any data leak(s).

How does Mu.ZEE collect this data?

Personal data supplied by you

To be able to use certain museum services you will pass on some personal data to Mu.ZEE, such as an email address, name, date of birth, gender, address and place of residence. Additional info may also be requested, such as your interests or the composition of your family, to help Mu.ZEE provide more appropriate services.

Your data will also be saved if you have contact with Mu.ZEE by telephone, email, or with a physical visit to the museum, etc.

Personal data that Mu.ZEE collects through your use of the Mu.ZEE online services

This means:

Log file data, such as an IP address, pages opened, mouse clicks, the date and time of your visit, your browser, etc. This data makes it possible to recognise the visitor and can tell Mu.ZEE how the visitor uses the museum services. For example, what exhibitions you have clicked on, what events interest you, whether you have only clicked on them or whether you have read everything, how you ended up on the website, etc.

Device data, such as an IP address, the brand, type and operating system of your device. If relevant Mu.ZEE can also have a rough indication of your location.

Mu.ZEE uses cookies and Google Analytics

The Mu.ZEE website uses cookies to ensure that users can experience all the website’s functions.  It also uses cookies to gauge visitor behaviour. However, these cookies are not used to follow your surfing behaviour on other websites. Moreover, these cookies are necessary for the website to work well. If you do not want to accept cookies, you can disable them with a setting in your internet browser. Consult the help function for more information.

These are our standard cookies:
Functional cookies
- allowCookiesAnalytics: 30 days
- allowCookiesSocial: 30 days
- allowCookies: 30 days
- PHPSESSID: ends when closed

Analytical cookies
- _ga_: 1 year
- _gid: 24 hours
- _gat: 1 minute
- _gat_UA-[id]: 1 minute
- _grecaptcha: 1 year

Social cookies
For YouTube cookies (CONSENT, PREF, SOCS, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC), without specific cookie content, here are typical duration values:
- CONSENT: 20 years
- PREF: 8 months
- SOCS: ends when closed
- VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: 6 months
- YSC: ends when closed

Google Analytics

The American company Google places a cookie via the Mu.ZEE website as part of the Google Analytics service. Mu.ZEE uses this service to monitor and receive reports about how visitors use the website. Google can provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to, or in so far as third parties process this information on behalf of Google. Mu.ZEE has no influence on this. However, Mu.ZEE has not authorised Google to use the analytics information obtained for other Google services.

The information that Google collects is anonymised as much as possible. Your IP address will expressly not be passed on. The information will be transferred to and by Google and saved on servers in the United States. Google states that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles and that it has joined the Privacy Shield programme which is administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce. This implies that there is a suitable level of protection for the processing of any personal data.

Personal data supplied by third parties

If you use social network functions that are present on our online services, you authorise the social network site to share certain clearly specified data with Mu.ZEE. Usually this concerns standard data such as name, address, postcode, date of birth, etc. Mu.ZEE may add this to its existing data.

Such data may also concern the museum visitor’s behaviour on the social network site, such as, for example, likes. Mu.ZEE can only have access to data that visitors themselves share and in so far as visitors’ personal settings permit. If museum visitors do not want their data to be shared with Mu.ZEE, they must change their settings on the social network sites.

Mu.ZEE may also collect information from other reliable sources, e.g. through collaboration with a media partner, either online or offline. Mu.ZEE will only collect this information if the data has been collected lawfully by this third party and shared with Mu.ZEE lawfully.

The personal data of minors

Mu.ZEE has a dynamic programme for children and young people, so the museum also implements a strict policy concerning the collection of minors’ personal data.

Mu.ZEE only collects the data of minors in the context of this educational work. ‘Educational work’ is understood to mean: workshops, ateliers, family activities, Wednesday afternoon activities, holiday camps, etc. In principle the parents leave their personal data and that of their child(ren). If Mu.ZEE ascertains that a child has registered him/herself for participation in an activity for young people, Mu.ZEE will always notify the parents by email or by post. The parents must give their consent. Without this consent the data will be removed.

Whenever children or young people provide personal data, Mu.ZEE handles them in conformity with Mu.ZEE’s privacy policy and the legal obligations pertaining to the processing of personal data. Mu.ZEE may deny access, temporarily or permanently, to the Mu.ZEE website, social media and/or the Mu.ZEE application (or parts thereof), if Mu.ZEE ascertains that false data or the data of third parties has been used without consent. If a young person notices that a third party has used their data or that someone has assumed their identity, they should notify Mu.ZEE at Mu.ZEE will always ask for proof of identity.

If young people have a valid reason to want to flag messages, items, reactions to content, uploaded photos and video content as inappropriate, they should notify us at Valid reasons might be: dirty words, bullying, ‘this makes me feel bullied’, racism, it contains personal data, or something else. 

Mu.ZEE collects the data of children and young people to contact them, to supply products or services that have been requested or for which they have registered, to inform them of our own product offering, to personalise our own product and service offering and for editorial purposes. Young people may unsubscribe from any electronic communication at any time.

Some services are offered in collaboration with another organisation and bear both brands (such as, among other things, when a joint event or a joint competition is organised, or when joint content is offered). When young people sign up for or use such services via the Mu.ZEE site and/or application, Mu.ZEE may pass on the personal data collected as part of this joint service provision to the other organisation which, should the personal data be processed, will inform the young people concerned of all the purposes for which it intends to use that personal data. 

Why does Mu.ZEE collect data?

Mu.ZEE collects personal data for the following purposes:

The provision of services and maintenance of the relationship with the museum visitor

Mu.ZEE collects data so as to be able to supply the services that are requested:

* information about exhibitions, workshops, museum activities, lectures, children’s workshops, music performances, exhibition openings, press presentations, performances, general advertising, museum shop promotions, new publications, etc.

* invitations to exhibitions and all sorts of activities linked to Mu.ZEE and the Permeke                    Museum

Direct marketing

With your consent, Mu.ZEE collects your data with a view to sending newsletters, information regarding activities or news concerning Mu.ZEE and/or the Permeke Museum.

Financial administration

Mu.ZEE processes personal data in order to be able to carry out its accounting and administration correctly.

Recruitment purposes

Mu.ZEE collects personal data with a view to recruiting new members of staff. This occurs in consultation with the parties concerned.


When visitors come to Mu.ZEE and/or the Permeke Museum they are filmed. These video recordings are made for the security of the two museums. It is justifiable to process this data as part of the protection of our infrastructure, members of staff and visitors.

Sharing data

Mu.ZEE will not pass on any personal data or sell it to third parties. An exception to this is when Mu.ZEE is legally obliged to pass on data.


Mu.ZEE uses a number of independent service providers to supply, for example, infrastructure and IT services, or to carry out payment transactions, surveys, etc. It is possible then that these companies obtain access to certain data and information as part of the job they have been asked by Mu.ZEE to do. Mu.ZEE will only allow this to the extent that it is necessary to carry out the job and that these companies offer the necessary guarantees concerning access to and possible use of this data and information.

Social media

Some Mu.ZEE online services have social media buttons for social network platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Museum visitors can use them to share information. These buttons are not managed by Mu.ZEE, but by the social networks themselves. Consequently, Mu.ZEE has no control over the purposes for which said companies use them and the Mu.ZEE privacy policy is not applicable to them. Each social network has its own privacy policy, which the museum visitor can consult.

#muzee – Terms and conditions

We love to see your photos of Mu.ZEE on social media and may request to share these photos/videos on our own channels. The channel where we will publish the photos will primarily be the Mu.ZEEwebsite ( but could also include the Mu.ZEE newsletter or our own social media channels.

By responding to our request with the hashtag #muzee and tagging us with @mu.zee, you:

give Mu.ZEE the permission to use your photo in their marketing and / or advertising, including in the gallery on the website (, newsletters, social media, e-mail, and other customer communications, and other marketing purposes.
grant Mu.ZEE the permission to use your photo until you withdraw your permission
You will get:

Free publicity on our channels and our website (
Full credit for your own picture: your social media channel will be linked and/or name is mentioned
The possibility to withdraw your given permission at any moment in time
By agreeing to these terms, you give Mu.ZEE a non-exclusive, royalty-free and worldwide license to use and share your photo for marketing and/or advertising purposes, including the right to reproduce, distribute, alter and edit your photos. You represent and warrant that you own or control the rights to the material you have submitted and that you have permission from any person(s) appearing in the photos. The photo will remain your property at all times and given permission can be withdrawn.

Withdraw permission

If you would like to withdraw your permission you can send us an e-mail at and we will remove your photo from our digital channels within 14 days. If we have used your photo in our newsletter and/or magazine, it is not possible to remove the photo, but we will not use it again in the future.

We look forward to sharing your photos and your passion for Mu.ZEE.


Mu.ZEE may be obliged to share personal data or pass it on to the authorities. This is possible, for example, in the context of a legal investigation or a court order, for the detection and resolution of fraud or security problems, for compliance with the law or the protection of Mu.ZEE’s rights.

Data protection

Mu.ZEE has taken the necessary steps to keep personal data safe, correct and up to date, whether it is stored digitally or physically. 

Data retention time

Personal data is kept no longer than necessary for the performance of the Mu.ZEE activities and the provision of our services. A legal obligation may force Mu.ZEE to keep your personal data longer.

What rights do visitors have and how can they exercise them?

Right of access to personal data

Mu.ZEE offers all visitors the possibility of seeing their personal data.

Visitors are entitled to an answer to the following questions:

* Does Mu.ZEE process my personal data?

* Why is personal data processed?

* What are the different categories of personal data?

* What categories of third parties does Mu.ZEE share personal data with?

* Where does the processed data originate?

* Why does Mu.ZEE process certain personal data automatically?

Modifying data/unsubscribing from the newsletter

At the bottom of every mail visitors will find a link where they can modify their details or unsubscribe.

Right to oppose the processing of your data for direct marketing

Museum visitors are entitled to oppose the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes at any time.

Right to correction and removal

Incorrect, out-dated or inappropriate personal data can always be modified or removed on request.

Right ‘to be forgotten’

Visitors are entitled to have their personal data removed from Mu.ZEE’s files at any time.

When visitors exercise their rights, Mu.ZEE asks them to be as specific as possible, so that the question can be dealt with correctly. Mu.ZEE must be able to verify the identity of the visitors concerned so that they can exercise their rights and third parties can be prevented from misappropriating these rights.


Right to submit a complaint

Museum visitors are entitled to submit a complaint to the Belgian Privacy Commission:

Commission for the Protection of Privacy
35 rue de la Presse/Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels

T +32 (0)2 274 48 00
F+32 (0)2 274 48 35

Questions and feedback

We check regularly whether we are compliant with this privacy policy. If you have questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at:

Mu.ZEE – Art Museum by the Sea
Romestraat 11 – 8400 Ostend
tel. +32 (0)59 50 81 18