The Longest Day. The sun rises. Action.

de langste dag

Artists move in and between Mu.ZEE and KAAP in Ostend. Several performances start, some ongoing. Some visible and loud, others barely perceptible. The actions follow the rhythm indicated by the sun, the tides and the clock. It will be a long day, almost the longest*. 

As a spectator, you are invited to watch and participate. Only when the sun sets does the happening end.... but once the light switch is turned on, the afterparty begins. 

Save the date: Saturday 29 June in Ostend.
From sunrise to sunset.
Programme and tickets from 15 May via this link.

A happening of KAAP & Mu.ZEE

Plan your visit

Experience the iconic work of Constant Permeke during a visit to the artist’s former home, studios and sculpture garden!

Permekemuseum Gistelsteenweg 341
8490 Jabbeke T 00 32 (0)59 50 81 18
BE 0825383589